Buy/Sell Skating Equipment
Use the forum below to post information on skates, dresses, Zuca bags or other equipment for sale. Please include a description of the item along with an email address or phone number for contacting you. You can also attach a photograph
The skating club does not warrant or take responsibility for any transactions, we simply provide this forum to allow for communication between our skaters. Please keep the discussion civil!
For more complete instructions, see the bottom of the page.
How to use the forum
To view the posts, you can scroll up and down the page.
If you wish to reply to a post, you must first login by clicking the button on the top right. If you have a facebook account or google+ (same as gmail) account, then click on those buttons. If you do not already have an account, you can create one for free by clicking on the "Join" button and entering the appopriate information. Make sure to check your email after a few minutes and click on the verification link.
Once you are logged in, you can create a new topic by clicking on "What would you like to sell". Enter a title for the post and then fill in further information in the body. You can include pictures of your items by clicking on the camera icon in the bottom right corner.
You can reply to an ongoing conversation by clicking on the 'Reply" box.