Party Like it's 1999
We are pleased to present our end of season carnival on April 6 at 1:30 pm and 6:30 pm at the Waterford Tricenturena. We have moved to a digital program this year to be easier on the environment. Links will be provided closer to the date.
Watch for updates and information that will be posted here so everyone can enjoy the party.

Ticket Update
We wanted to remind or clarify that your child will be participating in both shows on Saturday, April 6th, 2024 at 1:30pm and 6:30pm. Your child or children will require at least one parent/guardian in attendance for each show which will require you to purchase a ticket.
If you are able to volunteer you will not need a ticket to the show at which you are volunteering, as that will count as you being at the arena for your child.
Tickets are on sale at the following day and times:
- Monday - Simcoe Talbot - 4-7:30
- Wednesday - Waterford - 4-8:00
- Thursday - Waterford - 4-7:30
Costume Information
WTSC supplies the main elements of your skater’s costume from our costume stores. Please remember we reuse and recycle our costumes. Be gentle and take good care of our costumes as they are an investment for future skaters here at the club.
We ask you to contribute some items to your skater’s costume. HOWEVER, please do not feel you need to spend a great deal of money to finish your skater’s costume.
Black pants should be anything but jeans. They should be comfortable and allow your skater to move easily. They do not need to be new. Feel free to borrow or check out gently used items. Please avoid anything with a logo as we want out groups to look amazing together.
Black tops also do not have to be new. Feel free to reuse or borrow. Shirts can also be turned inside out to put labels or pictures on the inside.
Skating or dance tights can also be borrowed or purchased second hand. Again, speak to friends who may be able to help.
Start looking for these elements earlier rather than later. There are 4 figure skating clubs in Norfolk County who will all be having year end Carnivals from mid March to mid April.
If you are concerned about skater warmth, remember your skater will not be on the ice for an hour. They will only be performing for 5 minutes at the most. As well, there will be several hundred people in the stands watching. The arena is quite a bit warmer during a carnival. Combined with excitement, skating in a show can keep a skater warm! However, feel free to layer your skater with garments under their costume if you feel they need them.
We will provide helmet covers to finish off the look for all our Canskaters.
Finally if you need assistance with any of your Carnival pieces, please let us know. Please speak to Jenn Bard, Costume Chair, or send us an email at We are happy to help finish off any look if you have any trouble, including needing help purchasing items.
Costumes will be handed out in regular class time during the last two weeks of classes before Carnival. If your skater does miss one week when their group’s costume has been handed out, it will be waiting for them on the next week.
Skaters are expected to have their full costumes ready to go for our Dress Rehearsal on Friday April 5, 2024. Any skaters who have not picked up their costumes will be able to do so at this time.
FINALLY, bring a change of clothes to the arena on the day of carnival. We ask that you return all pieces of your costumes to the club following your skater’s final performance. My kids always loved a pair of PJ’s when they were little as they were exhausted after a long day! Bins will be provided in changerooms for costume return.