Carnival Tips and Tricks
Update for Parents
March 21, 2022
Only 12 days until our Disney Extravaganza! Lots of important information, plus tips and tricks to help make the day as fun as possible for your skater!
Carnival Update
A big thank you to all the parents for being so prompt and having your skaters looking so awesome in their carnival costumes for pictures the last two weeks!
The photos are currently being edited and making their way into the Disney Extravaganza Carnival program. There will be a future e-mail to all parents when the pictures are ready and the electronic links are available for purchase. The pictures look GREAT!
Carnival tickets will be available at the arena starting Monday March 7 from Sandy McDonald (you will see a yellow ticket table) on Monday/Wednesday and Thursday's from 5:00-7:00PM.
The tickets are $10.00 each (kids 3 and under free admission) and will be available until they are sold out!
PLEASE PURCHASE YOUR TICKETS EARLY AS TICKETS ARE ONLY AVAILABLE UNTIL THEY SELL OUT! Due to arena capacity limits, there will only be 400 tickets per show!
Please note that all entries to the arena on April 2 will only be through tickets, if you are a skater or if you are volunteering for that show at Carnival. Tickets are available to the general public so feel free to purchase tickets for grandparents, friends and family to show off your little skater!
Starting Monday March 7 there will also be a sign-up list by the ticket table for anyone interested in volunteering at carnival.... it takes MANY MANY volunteers to make carnival work so please help make the show successful by signing up to sell programs, flowers, security or help out in a change room! We also need many volunteers for set up on Friday April 1st starting at 9am and clean up after the evening show on Saturday April 2. Any help would be appreciated... please sign up to help with Carnival at the arena ASAP!
It is strongly recommended that parents wanting to volunteer assist with only one show and purchase a ticket for the other show to sit back relax and enjoy the carnival!
Please remember carnival practice starts this week Monday March 7 so the ice rink will look a bit different with groups practicing pinwheels/ passthroughs and enjoying learning their carnival programs! The carnival practice schedule is attached and was handed out last week at skating. Skaters only need to attend practice on their regular scheduled skating night. However, they are welcome to attend additional practices if they like. If you have any questions on carnival practice please speak to a coach or Jenn Bard at the arena.
Carnival is fast approaching and it is going to be a FANTASTIC end of the season show!
If you have any questions about Carnival - please feel free to reach out to Carnival Chair Pam Duesling by email or 519-754-7851.
Carnival Practices
Carnival practices will begin the week of Monday March 7. Please click on the button to see the full schedule.
Carnival Picture Days
We will be taking pictures of the skaters in their carnival costumes on Thursday February 24, Monday February 28 and Wednesday March 2. Please come to the arena in your costume with your skates on. Please click on the button so see the full details.
Disney Extravaganza Carnival Sponsors
Thank you to all the Disney Extravaganza Carnival Sponsors! The Community of Waterford and surrounding area is most certainly supporting the Waterford Skating Club 2022 Carnival.
A VERY BIG THANK YOU to all the gold sponsors. Without your financial donations, our skaters could not showcase their growing skating skills at this 2022 Waterford Skating Club Disney Extravaganza Carnival.
Savory Electric
Art with Heart
Villages of Waterford
Brant Flour Mills. Ltd.
Waterford/ Dover Paint and Paper
Equipment Centre
Hoy's Restaurant
MHN Lawyers
Norfolk Disposal
Tim Hortons
NStawychny Photography
Vallee Ltd.
Waterford Appliances
Waterford Fire Fighters

Disney Extravaganza Carnival 2022
Carnival is returning this year with a Disney theme! There will be 2 shows at 1 pm and 6 pm on Saturday April 2, 2022 at the Waterford Tricenturena. Tickets will be $10 each and free for children under 3 years old. Please check this page regularly for updates. More details can be found in the Carnival Newsletter.