Winter 2025 Skating Registration
Opens Saturday, November 30, 2024
10 a.m.
Registration is once again occurring via our Uplifter online registration system. You can reach Uplifter by clicking the button below. Schedules will remain the same as for our Fall Session with the exception being Hockey Canskate noted below. A complete Winter 2025 list of programs will be available on Uplifter.
We will be offering Hockey Canskate on Monday nights in Simcoe at Talbot Gardens from 7:10-7:50 in Simcoe.
This program is part of our Canskate program, geared towards skaters playing hockey who want to improve their skating skills. Hockey specific skills are incorporated when appropriate as part of the Canskate program. Skaters can wear hockey equipment on the ice if they choose. Please note this is not a power skating program and does not teach hockey game play.
Please remember our classes fill up extremely quickly! If you skater is placed on a waitlist, don't panic! We will do our best to get them on the ice! However, with limited ice time here in Norfolk County we do our best to accommodate as many skaters as possible.
Please remember to register your skater(s) sooner rather than later!
We look forward to welcoming you back to skate with WTSC in the New Year!
If you have any questions such as which level is appropriate for your skater(s), please contact WTSC at
Christmas Events
Both of these events will be available for registration on Uplifter starting December 3
CanSkate Elements Event
This event is for skaters who participate in any Me&My Parent, PreCanSkate/Level 1, or CanSkate class. This event provides skaters with an opportunity to showcase their skills in a safe, fun, inclusive, and interactive environment. Coaches and PAs will assist skaters on the ice during the event. Skaters will complete a circuit corresponding to their skating level that will be assessed by a guest assessor. Skaters will receive a certificate indicating the rating of each element and an overall assessment rating. Skaters can wear regular skating clothing or a performance outfit such as a fancy shirt, figure skating dress, or holiday attire. There is no additional fee required for this event.
STARSkate Simulation
This event is for skaters who participate in any STARSkateclasses. This event provides skaters an opportunity toshowcase their skills, in a safe, fun, and inclusive environment.This event is meant to simulate a competition environment tohelp skaters prepare for attending Skate Onatrio competitions.Skaters will receive feedback from a Skate Canada assessor.Skaters do not need to be registered to attend a Skate Ontariocompetition in the 2024/25 skating season to participate in theevent. Skaters should wear their performance outfit or figureskating dress to the event. There is no additional fee requiredfor this event.
If you have any questions please contact WTSC at
Carnival is coming!
Time to celebrate your skater's accomplishments!
Our year end Skating Carnival is scheduled for Friday March 28 & Saturday March 29. This fun packed show gives all our skaters, regardless of ability, a chance to show their family and friends what they have learned on the ice.
There will be registration for your skater to participate in Carnival beginning in December 2024.
This gives our carnival volunteers time to prepare fundraising, costumes, and decorations, while our coaches choreograph the show from start to finish! An announcement is coming soon with this year's Carnival theme!

Summer 2024 Skating Registration
If you have any questions about which level is appropriate for your skater(s) please contact WTSC at
Canskate Learn to Skate
Registration opens Saturday June 8, 2024 at 9 am
Canskate Levels 1 to 6
(minimum age 4 on first day of classes)
Thursday nights, Waterford Arena, Waterford​
July 4 - August 22, 2024
4:10 pm - 5:00 pm
5:05 pm-5:55 pm
$125 per skater, $60 Skate Canada Fee each for child once per skating year
Hockey Canskate
(minimum age 4 on first day of classes)
This program is ideal for skaters who have not yet played hockey or are just beginning. It teaches the fundamentals of skating.
Thursday nights, Waterford Arena, Waterford
o July 4 - August 22, 2024
o 6:00-6:50pm
o $125 per skater, $60 Skate Canada Fee each for child once per skating year
StarSkate Figure Skating
Please note skaters must have completed Canskate and spoken to a coach before registering in the StarSkate program. Please email or contact one of our Coaches for clarification of your skater's level. Registration will be open to all skaters as of June 8.
Junior StarSkate (Group)
​This session will be fully WTSC coach directed for Star 1 to Star 3 level skaters. The cost of the program includes both ice time and coaching fees for a group lesson.
Monday nights, Waterford Arena, Waterford
o July 8 - August 26, 2024
o 4:00pm-4:50pm
o $135 including group coaching and Skate Canada Fee $60 once per skating year
Wednesday nights, Waterford Arena, Waterford​
o July 3 - August 21, 2024
o 4:00pm-4:50pm
o $175 including group coaching and Skate Canada Fee $60 once per skating year
Junior StarSkate (Private)
​Junior STARSkate session for Star 1 to Star 3 level skaters at Waterford Tricenturena from 4:00-4:50 pm. The cost of the program includes ice time only. The parent is responsible for arranging and paying for separate private coaching.
Monday nights, Waterford Arena, Waterford
o July 8 - August 26, 2024
o 4:00pm-4:50pm
o $100 including group coaching and Skate Canada Fee $60 once per skating year
Wednesday nights, Waterford Arena, Waterford​
o July 3 - August 21, 2024
o 4:00pm-4:50pm
o $125 including group coaching and Skate Canada Fee $60 once per skating year
Please contact your base coach to arrange for any additional private lessons.
Senior StarSkate (Star 3 & above)
Monday nights First Session, Waterford Arena, Waterford
o July 8 - August 26, 2024
o 5:00pm-5:50pm
o $100 and Skate Canada Fee $60 once per skating year
Monday nights Second Session, Waterford Arena, Waterford
o July 8 - August 26, 2024
o 6:00pm-6:50pm
o $100 and Skate Canada Fee $60 once per skating year
Wednesday nights First Session, Waterford Arena, Waterford
o July 3 - August 21, 2024
o 5:00pm-5:50pm
o $125 and Skate Canada Fee $60 once per skating year
Wednesday nights Second Session, Waterford Arena, Waterford
o July 3 - August 21, 2024
o 6:00pm-6:50pm
o $125 and Skate Canada Fee $60 once per skating year
Please contact your base coach to arrange for private lessons.
Adult Programs
Adult StarSkate (Age 16+)
This is not an adult learn to skate session. Skaters must be proficient figure skaters to participate. Please contact
WTSC Coaches to arrange for lessons during on ice session.
Wednesday Nights, Waterford Arena, Waterford​
o July 3 - August 21, 2024
o 7:00pm- 7:50pm
o $125 and Skate Canada Fee $60 once per skating year
Adult Learn to Skate (Age 16+)
This will be a group lesson intended to teach adults that are new to skating. It will be taught by a certified Canskate coach.
Wednesday Nights, Waterford Arena, Waterford​
o July 3 - August 21, 2024
o 7:00pm- 7:50pm
o $125 and Skate Canada Fee $60 once per skating year

2024 Carnival Registration is Open
It is time again for annual year-end carnival. This year we are going to "Party Like it's 1999". Our skaters will take to the ice skating to music from the 1990s.
All skaters who are registered for the Winter 2024 session are eligible to participate. Please register through Uplifter to join in. The cost is $10 per skater and includes their costume. Registration closes January 30th. Please speak to a board member if you have any questions.
We are looking for community sponsors to join in the party. Without your help, WTSC could not showcase the talent of all our young skaters. If you would like more information, please contact the Meaghan Tompkins, Carnival Chair, at
Villages of Waterford Bursaries
The Villages of Waterford have generously provided support through bursaries to multiple families to assist with skating expenses. Their support has allowed skaters to continue to learn, grow and have fun!
Thank you from the Waterford Tricenturena Skating Club!

The Villages of Waterford believe that their community is just as important as the homes they build. Making a difference in the community they serve is an integral part of who they are. As an organization, they believe that having a positive impact in the community is their responsibility, which is why they strive to actively support local charitable organizations, such as WTSC, to help create a vibrant, thriving community.
We are pleased to present our end of season carnival on April 1 at 1:30 pm and 6:30 pm at the Waterford Tricenturena. We have moved to a digital program this year to be easier on the environment. Please click on the picture to download it. You may wish to download it ahead of time in case the WiFi at the arena is slow. There will be QR codes at the arena that will also link to the program.